
uh oh. im not treating my body good.
appologizes to every body part of mine.
especially my eyeeeeessss..(gonna have permanent panda eyes soon)

sleep early, wake up early.
tht's suppose to be the way
but, NooO..
im a bad bad owner to my body *sigh*

oh, and today, i felt dumber than ever.

why? why? why?? =S whatever. will try my best to be smart. or not, *sigh* live with my dumbness.
i should eat more gum. heheh

yesterday, swimming -no, splish-splashing- at gurmeet's apartment baby's pool -.-
but still, fun ;]
today, tuition.
eng teach : i wonder why nowadays girls like big sized men?
and they pula are the other way..
one chinese dude : because like teddy bear mah, comfy..

the way he said "comfy" was so cina apek, man

oh and abt the korean-looking guy. forget 'bout him. his looks..ergh, arrogant hahah to me only la maybe.

holidays coming to an end!! argh!!
whr's my holiday god???

dear holiday god,
whr you went?
why this time, you made my one week seems like only 3 days?? =(
you know how much i LOVE you..right?
so give me few days more please... :D

all subjects
are a headache to me.
everything's mixed up,
just like a plate of mixed wan tan mee.


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