well in Malaysia, it's always summer right? sun + rain = Malaysia's term of summer and i sense a hell lot of summer love. it makes me feel TOO single! i miss the feeling ofloving someone and being loved, - not the family family love, my famile love me- umm the other love..*sigh* you know, i know enough la
hahaha anyway, these two weeks i won't be going anywhere.... why? why?why? because there's tuition classes, because trials in 3 months time..... BECAUSE, SPM IS IN FIVE BLOODY MONTHS TIME!
but it's cool.. gonna go swimming, tennis and more studying i hope. *cross fingers*
So, whether you go holiday ke stuck at home ke homeless ke.... it's okay cause ITS SUMMER! happy holidays people! Muah!
now, whenever i see food, i feel sick. not that i don't appreciate food, i love food, well i used to.
I'm frustrated with myself, i don't like myself, for not feeling hungryor for feeling so bloody full after a small bowl of rice or even for the feeling of puking whenever a plate of food is placed in front of me.